Source code for bradata.connection

#import tqdm
import time
import requests

# how to use the warning below: do something equivalent to `from bradata.connection import _stale_url_warning` and then
# `_stale_url_warning.format((req.status_code, req.text,, website.url)
_stale_url_warning = """the request failed with code {}:\n"{}"\nthe {} server may be down, or it may have changed its address or architecture.\nplease report the latter to the maintainers.\nyou can check if the website is online at {}"""

[docs]class Connection: """ Class that handle connections """
[docs] def perform_request(self, url, nr_tries=5, binary=False): """ Perform a request handling exception and server errors printing status :param url: string :param nr_tries: int :return: dict :: status : ok/error, content: xml/url, [error_type, error_desc] if error """ count = 0 while True: try: print('Fetch {}'.format(url)) #fetch_time = time.time() req = requests.get(url, timeout=1) #fetch_time = time.time() - fetch_time status = req.status_code if status != 200: print('ERROR {}. {}'.format(req.status_code, req.text)) time.sleep(5) count += 1 if count > nr_tries: print('Too many errors in a row. Returned: ERROR {}'.format(req.status_code)) return {'status': 'error', 'error_type': req.status_code, 'error_desc': req.text, 'content': url} print('Trying Again...') continue else: if binary: return {'status': 'ok', 'content': req.content} else: return {'status': 'ok', 'content': req.text} except Exception as e: print('EXCEPTION {}'.format(e)) count += 1 if count > nr_tries: print('Too many exceptions in a row. Returned: ERROR EXC') return {'status': 'error', 'error_type': 'exception', 'error_desc': e, 'content': url} time.sleep(5) print('Trying Again...') continue